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Renting Vs. Buying an LED Wall

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Are you looking to rent or buy an LED wall for your establishment? LED video walls can add intriguing and innovative visuals to an event or venue whenever needed, but determining if you should buy or rent them can be challenging. Learning about the benefits of each will help you make the right decision.


Why Rent an LED Wall?

Renting an LED wall helps businesses, educational institutions and places of worship take advantage of the high-quality color and features the video walls have to display media. Some benefits of renting an LED wall include:

  • Short-term use: Maybe you only need an LED wall briefly. Renting one lets you have the wall and use it for a limited time before sending it back when done.
  • Cost-effective: Renting is a cost-effective choice if you won't use the LED wall for more than one event. You only have to pay for the time you use the wall. Additionally, if repairs are necessary, you are not responsible for getting them done and paying for them.
  • Access to the latest technology: Renting LED walls allows you to access models with the latest technology.


Why Buy an LED Video Wall?

If you're seriously considering getting an LED wall, ensure you understand why purchasing one would be beneficial. A few benefits of buying an LED wall compared to renting one include:

  • Long-term investment: When you buy an LED wall, it's a one-time purchase. While the upfront cost may be more than expected, you won't have to pay money whenever you want to use it. Over time, the wall may prove profitable depending on how much you use it.
  • Always available: You don't have to wait for a wall to become available when you own one. Use the LED wall whenever you need to because it will be available at your workplace as long as no other group is currently using it.
  • Customization: You can freely customize the configurations for the LED wall without worrying about adjusting a default setting.


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Final Things to Consider

Whether you rent or buy an LED wall depends on your workplace's needs. Renting and buying both have their benefits, but renting one may be the best solution if you don't see the screen getting used more than once. On the flip side, if you plan to use the LED wall a lot for various events, buying one may be more cost-effective than renting one.


Rent or Buy From Refresh LED

Are you ready to obtain an LED wall for your next event? Whether you're looking to use a new LED wall for a church, business, university or large venue, consider renting or buying from Refresh LED. Learn more about our LED wall options when you request a free quote today!

renting vs buying an led wall


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