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Onsong App: We Love It And You Will Too

Onsong App: We Love It And You Will Too

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About The App

OnSong is a music app that allows you to import music sheets from a variety of formats, including PDFs, Word…

or text files and a variety of image formats. Whether you’ve downloaded music from the Internet or accessed the sheet via email, you can store it inside of OnSong and easily access all of your files when you need them in one place.

OnSong has over 400,000 users worldwide and is an app our team uses on a weekly basis. Whether you’re playing backing or ambient tracks, projecting lyrics for congregational singing, playing engaging videos, or controlling DMX stage lighting — OnSong has you covered.

Local Legends

Okay, maybe not legends… but we’re proud to call OnSong neighbors of ours! Founder Jason Kichline, CEO Jeremiah Grube, and Marketing Director Dakota Kibler have all been in our circle of connections over the past few years. We are all worship leaders and have been a part of similar local ministries and worship leader network groups.

Just this past week, Refresh invited Jeremiah and Dakota over to our warehouse to show them the space and a demo of our video walls. While they were here, they also linked up their app and demoed the lyric projection feature on our video walls.

Everything worked great and we had a blast hanging out with their team! We are also looking forward to partnering together in an upcoming conference in Orlando, General Counsel.

Where To Find OnSong

If you’re interested in checking out OnSong and their app, visit their website at You can also follow along with them on social media @OnSongApp, and if you’re local to the Central Pennsylvania area, be sure to connect with Jason, Jeremiah, and Dakota and their local ministries!

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